We Want YOU to Blog for NYC Science Communication!

By Tristan Fehr and Yue Liu             

Do you have a science story to tell? Are you looking to jumpstart your science communication journey? To establish your professional identity? Or just to build your online presence? The NYC Science Communication (NYC SciComm) Blog wants you!


                                Photo credit: McmScience

Why write on NYC SciComm? Three simple reasons:

  1. To expand and strengthen your science writing portfolio;
  2. You only need one link (http://nycscicomm.newmedialab.cuny.edu/tag/author-YOUR Name/) to show all your blogs posted on our website. It is like having your own website, but for free!
  3. Our editorial board will help you improve your science writing skills.

The NYC SciComm Blog accepts submissions within broad tiers, such as career exploration, storytelling one’s own research, demystifying science and medicine, translating novel science for popular consumption, and anything you are knowledgeable and passionate about that is related to science communication.

Our editorial board will help you fine-tune your unique voice and skills in science writing by providing you with timely and constructive feedback. When you submit a piece, please mention one or two areas you would like to focus on for feedback, such as and not limited to: mechanics, transitions, article logic, and article structure. We guarantee a response within 14 days of submission.

Please submit your blogs to Editor.NYCSciComm@gmail.com with the subject line “NYCSciComm Blog Submission: [YOUR NAME].” Within the email, please include each of your pieces (650-1200 words) as a link to an editable Google doc named as “[Submission date]- [YOUR NAME].” In addition to your original article, editable links should include a title, 3-5 keywords, a tagline of 140 characters or less, and a high quality open source photograph or other graphic. Please imbed all links and references as hyperlinks.

We look forward to working with you!


Editorial Board

NYC Science Communication
