Written by Helena Mello Cartoon photo created by crowf – www.freepik.com The COVID-19 vaccines rollout in mid-December introduced us to new terms, techniques, and—perhaps most importantly—brought many questions. We had never followed the development of a vaccine, or even a drug, so closely and anxiously. Many people don’t know how

Background photo created by rawpixel.com – www.freepik.com By NYCSciComm Staff As 2020 draws to a close, NYCSciComm is saying goodbye to several of our board members who have served our community over the past few years. We thank them for their hard work and dedication to the NYCSciComm community and

By Caitlin Burgdorf, PhD     Featured Panelists (left to right): Peter Leipig, MS, Education Program Coordinator at Sciencenter (Ithaca, NY) Lucy Madden, MS, Founding CEO of Letters to a Pre-Scientist (Cambridge, MA) Lisa Larson, BA, Lead Programmer of Citizen Science at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology (Ithaca, NY)  

By Rosa J. Chen Image: Austin Distel on Unsplash    This past August, Cornell University graduate students hosted the annual ComSciCon-NY, a science communication conference comprised of a series of workshops and panels. Fifty attendees, including students and postdocs from various institutions across the state, gathered at Cornell’s Ithaca campus

By Pooja Naik, MS Speakers: Caitlin Vander Weele, PhD; Ana Maria Porras, PhD; Shannon Odell, BA Image: The Social Media panelists answering questions at ComSciCon-NY 2019. Image credit: Pooja Naik. I had never considered using social media for science communication—it was actually what I used to procrastinate working on my